About Hops & Herbs

On this website, I share my love for travel, food, beer and DIY projects. It’s not necessarily a food blog, nor a travel blog. Hops & Herbs is a collection of stories, ideas and recipes that I find inspiring, delicious and worth sharing.

Why Hops & Herbs?

After graduating from University, I started to wonder about the things I like to do. What gives me energy? And what can I do well? I love to learn - to gain new skills and knowledge - and to be creative. I love to take photographs, make videos and write texts, but I find it difficult to do so without a goal. So one thing I knew for sure was that I felt the need for a new creative project. An outlet for the ideas that are always occupying my mind.

In Hops & Herbs, I combine all the things I love: my passion for photography, filmmaking and writing, with my love for food, travel, beer and DIY projects.

Food • Beer • Travel

I share my love for food, beer and travel through stories, recipes and DIY projects. I love food and  really enjoy cooking and baking these days, but that doesn't mean that I'm a good chef. I am actually quite a lazy cook, with often little patience, that loves easy and quick recipes. I can hear you thinking, why would I share recipes with you then? So let me explain.

For a long time, I didn’t even like cooking at all. After a long day, I just wanted to get a ready-to-eat salad from the store or make a quick pasta. Partly, because I was student, living in a house where the kitchen wasn't always clean, and sharing a kitchen with four other people didn't really help. But also because eating was just a necessity for me.

This all changed in the last few years. I learned to really appreciate food and cooking. Dinner and cooking actually became something to look forward to, instead of a necessary task. Mostly basic recipes and cooking processes started to fascinate me. Recipes where you combine few ingredients that turn into something completely different (like pasta and bread).

A deeper interest in food and drinks became a part of many aspects of my life: I now love to grow my own vegetables and herbs, my love for beer and interest in cooking processes eventually led to a hobby in homebrewing, and tasting local food and beer became an important part of my travels. Through travel I discover new recipes, ingredients and ways of cooking to try at home.

Who Am I?

I'm Devi from The Netherlands. I'm an anthropologist, writer and creative content producer. Welcome to Hops & Herbs!

Jasper, me and our cat Panto.

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